Thursday, August 23, 2012

Rest In Peace Dear "Ralph"

We said good bye to one special boy- "Ralph" was our first litter of 3.  We kept all three and everyone  of them over achieved so much at what ever they did.  Once we started showing the young dogs - Judges would run after us telling us what a nice dog this Ralph was.  We said thank you and kept walking.  Some would find us in our set up and again say he is really nice.  Thank You.  He would be returning into the field to compete no more dog shows.................Wellllllll that never happened.
What a legacy and what a spirit he leaves- He rarely lost or placed where ever he went.  What ever the venue- he was in the ribbons.  And yet----He was Our dog!
Rest In Peace My Friend:  BIS MBISS VBISS GCH JNEK's King Ralph JH ROM
   A little video from our friend Pam:  Enjoy

Thursday, July 26, 2012

The Annual JNEK Gathering # 7

The JNEK Gathering # 7
Sunday- August 12,2012
11am til 4pm 
Food, Friends, Games, Agility Course, Wing & String 
Please bring chairs, dog(s), kids and a little something tasty
we’ll have the rest! 
~We are Back at~
LeRoy Oakes Forest Preserve
37 w  370 Dean St.
St. Charles, IL
All dogs must be on a leash 